Industry Training
Classroom and outcrop training courses in basic structural geology for subsurface trap analysis, trap and seal analysis including caprock and fault seal risks, and natural fracture characterization.
I can be contacted personally for additional information on the courses offered, but all contracting and logistics for training offered through GeoLogica. I have developed all my course content based on over 30 years' experience with regular updates to incorporate new developments on the topic. I have offered hundreds of these courses worldwide for multiple clients.
All courses can be modified in content and duration to meet client needs. The topic can focus on either hydrocarbon or CO2 containment or both.
Classroom Courses
Structural Geology for Subsurface Interpretation
Objective: The primary objective of this course is to introduce the basics of structural geology as a control on traps in subsurface reservoirs for hydrocarbons or CO2.
- Introduction
- Traps in Exploration (general trap geometry)
- Stress and Strain
- Rock Failure
- Folding Basics
- Faulting Basics
- Structural Styles
- Extensional Structural Styles
- Compressional Structural Styles
- Strike-Slip Structural Styles
- Salt Deformation and Inversion Structures
- Restoration Fundamentals
- Exercises throughout to emphasize key points
- Introduction
Trap and Seal Analysis
Objective: The objective of this course is to introduce concepts and methods in trap and seal analysis particularly as related to fault characterization including fault mapping and fault seal as applies to cross-fault flow resistance and caprock seal.
- Introduction to fault mapping and trap and seal characterization.
- Structural geometry and Fault geometry mapping
- Juxtaposition Analysis
- Fault Rock Properties
- Flow Basics
- Fault Rock Distribution Mapping
- Trap and Seal Controls
- Triangle Diagrams
- Simulation and Faults
- Geomechanics and Fault Conductivity
- Risk, Uncertainty, Validation
- Exercises throughout to emphasize key points
Natural Fracture Characterization
Objective: The objective of this course is to introduce the concepts of natural fracture for subsurface characterization including the mechanics of formation, the impact of pressure, the styles and predictive techniques.
- Introduction to naturally fractured reservoirs
- Key fracture parameters, and how to estimate them
- Basic concepts in geomechanics
- Calculating in situ stress and fluid pressure.
- Mechanisms of fracture nucleation and propagation: Failure criteria and failure mode
- Fracture morphology and its impact on fluid flow
- Flow in fractures: basic principles
- Concepts in numerical modelling of fracture development
- Exercises throughout to emphasize key points
Outcrop Courses
Structural Styles and Fault Characterization in Exploration and Production
Moab, Utah
Objective: The main objective of the outcrop course is to use field exposures and classroom lectures and exercises to promote interpretation and understanding of the structural styles and fault seal processes that have operated during the tectonic history and discuss methods to improve the interpretation of these similar styles in the subsurface.
- Similar content to fault seal classroom training course with lectures in hotel conference room
- Lectures are combined with outcrop examples and exercises near and around Moab, Utah
- Exposures are excellent for fault geometry such as relay ramps and fault zone architecture as analogs of seismic and subseismic scale faults and associated structures for subsurface interpretation
- Salt deformation is a topic discussed with excellent exposures of impact of diapirism on marginal sediments
- The training course is 5 days starting and ending in Grand Junction, Colorado
- The course may be modified to include a Petrel based training of the Structural and Fault Analysis Module including a 3D model of the structures visited
Available as advisor to participate on company field courses related to structural geology.
Other locations where I have had experience running field excursions or done field work to study faults and fractures and can set up a field trip upon request.
Extensional structural styles and related sedimentation
Peloponnese, Greece